Founder Stories

Founder Spotlight: Lizi Sprague

We’re excited to kick off our Spotlight Series with a closer look at the founders of Songue PR, starting with Lizi Sprague. Lizi, a seasoned PR and media relations specialist, brings over 15 years of experience and a proven track record to the table. Born and raised in London and now based in the San Francisco Bay Area, Lizi offers a global perspective, crafting campaigns that resonate across cultures, time zones, and borders.

Before founding Songue PR, Lizi worked at several high-profile PR agencies. In these roles, she collaborated closely with leadership teams to execute impactful media-centric PR campaigns and played a pivotal role in business development and growth. Her journey in PR began with a relentless determination to succeed, as evidenced by her first job application – the 64th she sent out during her university placement year.

Join us as we dive deeper into Lizi’s journey, her experiences, and what drives her passion for PR in our upcoming posts in the Spotlight Series.

From Student to Founder: Lizi’s Journey into Public Relations

When I started my journey in PR at 19, just landing the job was a huge win, as evidenced by how many applications I sent out! I was in my university placement year, which in the UK is like an internship program that lasts a full academic year. During this time, I balanced working full-time at the agency while finishing my degree. I secured my first official position as an account executive right after graduation, and I’ve been in PR ever since.

I kicked off my career in advertising PR, getting the chance to work with some of the most prestigious agencies in the world - Ogilvy Worldwide, M&C Saatchi and Havas Media to name a few. I spent many summers in Cannes for the renowned International festival of creativity and was lucky enough to be mentored by some incredible female leaders. It was during this time, I fell in love with media relations and strategic communications. 

Soon after, I dived into the exciting world of tech PR, joining one of the UK’s top tech agencies. I had the pleasure of working with big names like Sony, TaskRabbit, Yahoo!, B&O, Sage Finance, Mojiva, and more. One of my funniest and most memorable moments was during a campaign to launch a well known consumer brand in the UK. We had a killer insights campaign, secured tons of top-tier coverage, and threw a fantastic launch event. But then, disaster struck: the business reporter who was supposed to break the story canceled their interview at the last minute.

Not one to back down, I went on a mission to track her down and managed to arrange a phone interview. The catch? We had to do it in a coat closet, hiding from the other press and guests in the main room. Picture us, crammed in there, whispering answers and questions like secret agents. It was hilarious and chaotic, but we got the story done!

I moved to the US at 25, armed with little more than my British charm and a vague idea of how American media worked (spoiler: it's very different from UK media!). Through a few consulting gigs at some great agencies and with a good mix of grit and grace, I found my footing. I'm still pretty proud of that to this day. It was during this time that I first met Natalee. We hit it off and worked together at two different agencies for several years.

Realizing we were a dynamic duo with a shared vision, we decided to take the plunge and launch Songue PR. We wanted to do PR our way, working with clients who valued collaboration as much as we do. We choose our clients as carefully as they choose us, always aiming to build strong, harmonious working relationships. It's been a whirlwind so far, and we wouldn’t have it any other way!

PR can be a stressful business. What keeps you coming back? 

I love media relations, but I really thrive on strategic relations, tailoring our efforts to our clients’ short-term and long-term needs. PR is so much more than securing media coverage. We don’t want to pursue media relations just for the sake of it; we aim to deliver real value to our clients.

These days, media professionals have less time than ever. If you’re pitching them nonsense, they will blacklist you. It's essential to be relevant and valuable in your pitches. What keeps me passionate about this field is the challenge of crafting those meaningful, impactful narratives that align with our clients' goals, and to keep trying ideas until the right one lands for the journalist. The buzz when you get that hit is euphoric! 

Of course it’s great to have a news story to share, but in the absence of news, I love thinking creatively about how we can insert our clients into ongoing conversations. Celebrating company news is important, but what truly moves the needle is contributing relevant insights to broader discussions outside of your own immediate messaging. This strategic insertion not only enhances the client's visibility but also positions them as thought leaders in their industry.

What inspired you to start Songue?

Natalee and I have complementary strengths, and over the years, we found ourselves often leading initiatives and envisioning changes we wanted to implement. In other agencies, we noticed a common practice: senior teams would pitch to new clients, but then less-experienced team members were handed the day-to-day management of the accounts.

We kept asking: “Why aren’t we doing this ourselves?” This question wasn't just about starting an agency; it was about redefining how an agency should operate. Why couldn’t we pitch a senior team and then actually deliver a senior team to manage the account? Why couldn’t we run an agency that adapts to the fast-changing PR landscape while maintaining a high level of client service? Why couldn’t we develop long term relationships with clients built on respect, transparency and direct, honest feedback?

These questions drove us to start Songue, where we are in the trenches every day with our team, pitching media, strategizing, and collaborating closely with our clients. We wanted to build an agency where the client always comes first, and relationships are prioritized above all.

For me, starting Songue was about working with clients I genuinely care about. I wanted to be a partner in their journey, not just someone fulfilling a job. I’m deeply invested in their missions and visions, and this personal investment fuels my passion for our work.

At Songue, every day is a learning experience. We are constantly generating new ideas, tackling various projects, solving problems, and learning about different industries and innovations. Each day is different, and that variety is something I cherish. We get to witness world-changing innovations from their inception and help them grow, which is incredibly rewarding.

What is the most important thing you wish people understood about PR? 

PR takes time. Good PR and solid strategies don’t just happen overnight. They require time, talent, and a lot of tenacity. Building trust and understanding with clients is crucial. We've kept clients because they trust our counsel. We don’t try to force unrealistic expectations. Instead, we take the time and put in the effort, and our clients see and appreciate that. It’s about setting the right expectations and delivering quality work consistently.

Tell us something we can’t guess from your bio. 

I’m really passionate about empowering women, especially young women, to build their careers. I’m on the board of Sol Sisters, a Bay Area nonprofit that promotes both personal and professional development for women. Working with Sol Sisters has made me think a lot about the legacy I'm leaving for my children. What will they think of me when they're grown up? Was I the role model they expected? This is why I'm so passionate about ensuring our office has a good work-life balance and space for things like parental leave (I took 8 months off after the birth of my second child).

Overall, I want to make sure that I'm owning the business instead of letting the business own me – to give myself time for balance and to work smarter, not harder. Doing things like working with Sol Sisters helps me be the best role model I can be for my children.

What do you do when you’re not working in PR? 

I’m always on the lookout for my next travel adventure — my latest was Bali (a 17-hour flight with two kids under 5, which should qualify me for a medal!). Growing up with a dad in the Royal Navy, I developed a deep connection to the water; Lake Tahoe is my spiritual home. For my honeymoon, we traveled to Amboseli, Maasai Mara, and Kilimanjaro, because nothing says "I love you" like running from lions. I love diving into local cultures wherever I go. It really helps in our work; we need to be chameleons, adapting to any situation or person.

I also love seeing the world through my kids' eyes and love spending  a lot of time with them - the beauty of running an agency like ours is that we can make sure we CAN work AND parent - it doesn’t have to be one or the other. Since moving to the US, I’ve come to really appreciate the village of people around me who play such a big part in my life and my kids' lives.

Oh, and I'm partial to a girls' weekend in wine country every now and then! 
